Since I'm not an owner of copyrighted material, I'm not so sure how copyright owners feel. In my opinion, being able to share copyrighted material makes our society better. It's easy to access, which means more people get to things quicker. I believe that as long as people acknowledge and attribute the material they are borrowing from someone, then there is no problem in using it.
I know music is a really big thing as far as p2p sharing of music files. Unfortunately for those music artists, everyone is sharing their music for free. It's convenient, and it's a society we created because we enjoy things that are free. It's just the same as crowdsourcing where we take things from amateurs over the pros because it's free. At the same time, it's beneficial. Imagine paying your money for a CD just to discover it's trash. You would be highly upset, and you can't get your money back. However, if you get the music through p2p sharing, you can hear the entire CD before you decide to purchase it. True, there are song demos out, but they only give you about 30 seconds of the song. Also, even though people may like the CD they got through p2p sharing doesn't mean they'll go purchase it.
The problem starts when people are making money off of copyrighted material. I would definitely have a problem with that especially if I wasn't attributed or wasn't given compensation for the use of my material. This is why I believe "Walt Disney Creativity" is wrong. Walt Disney blatantly used material borrowed from someone else without much change in the material. It only benefited him and his company not Buster Keaton.
At the end of the day, I believe the benefits of remixing and reposting copyrighted material outweighs the harms. How much is really original material anyways? We're always using other material in our work even if it's just to prove a point in an academic paper.
I remember the days of going to the music store the night a new CD was to be released. I had been hearing the first single on the radio thinking, "Man if this song sounds like the rest of the disc it's gonna be pretty good!" I buy the CD get home and discover I paid 18 dollars for 1 good song! I say steal away...If you are a true fan of the artist or band you will eventually pay for the music...Well maybe!