160 characteristics is all that you get for your thoughts on twitter. Some people who use twitter, tweet their every thought. Even thought tweets are only 160 characteristics, they can inform users with lots of information before news stations can put the information on TV.
When MTV was airing the video music awards, and Kayne West came up and took the microphone from Taylor Swift during her speech, this was instantly all over Twitter. When people who read Twitter seen this, the rankings for MTV shot up with everyone turning it on their television. Without Twitter, this incident wouldn't have been out there for everyone to hear about until the news that night, or even the next day. Twitter helped MTVs ratings go up that night and the VMAs had the most viewers they had had in six years. There have been other incidents where I have personally seen something on Twitter about a particular television show or sporting event, and have automatically turned my TV to that channel so I could see for my own eyes what was going on.
I think that Twitter is one of the positives parts of the Internet. It helps spread information quicker than the other media outlets that are available. The Internet may decrease TV ratings because viewers can watch television shows online, but on the other hand I think that Twitter may increase some of the television viewers by some of the information that is posted on the website.
When MTV was airing the video music awards, and Kayne West came up and took the microphone from Taylor Swift during her speech, this was instantly all over Twitter. When people who read Twitter seen this, the rankings for MTV shot up with everyone turning it on their television. Without Twitter, this incident wouldn't have been out there for everyone to hear about until the news that night, or even the next day. Twitter helped MTVs ratings go up that night and the VMAs had the most viewers they had had in six years. There have been other incidents where I have personally seen something on Twitter about a particular television show or sporting event, and have automatically turned my TV to that channel so I could see for my own eyes what was going on.
I think that Twitter is one of the positives parts of the Internet. It helps spread information quicker than the other media outlets that are available. The Internet may decrease TV ratings because viewers can watch television shows online, but on the other hand I think that Twitter may increase some of the television viewers by some of the information that is posted on the website.
I will admit I was not a fan of Twitter at first. Now I enjoy reading tweets, more than posting my own. You are right though important information can spread like wildfire due to Twitter! It's where I get most of my video game information!