Throughout time, media such as newspapers, radio, and television have had such an impact on society. They have changed the way we get information and also enjoy entertainment. Everyday there are more and more upgrades for technology that are being put on the market to make getting information quicker and more efficient. This week I will focus on how traditional media is changing for the better with the increase of technology and the internet.
I definitely agree with the main point of the article, Water-Cooler Effect: Internet Can Be TV’s Friend. As stated by Leslie Moonves, “The Internet is our friend, not our enemy.” The Internet works with television to provide people to be doing multiple things at one time. Corporations such as Comcast offer different packages that include telephone, high-speed Internet and cable all included in one. This allows people to multitask. Now with all the technological advances, such as iPhones, iPads, laptops and Smartphones, this makes it even easier for people to do their daily routines and still be connected with news and friends on the go.
It is safe to say that the Internet has affected television viewing and has generally enhanced it. Shows that are on television have websites that allow viewers to re-watch episodes they have missed, and give additional clips or behind the scenes that are only available on the web site.
Also, we have access to thousands of websites of businesses that have been advertised on television. We can get our information more efficiently and quickly with the help of the internet. The Internet has changed the way people get access to these types of advertisements and news phenomena.
The Internet as well as technology and other media have been such a big part of today’s society it is hard to believe that it hasn’t always been available throughout history. We rely on the Internet and technology to let us know what is happening thought out the world and in our own social lives.
What does this mean for society? The answer is simple. The Internet will continue to change our everyday lives and the way we communicate with each other, the way information is distributed and the way we enjoy entertainment. Our society needs to adapt to the rapid changes that technology is producing. Overall, the Internet is changing traditional media for the better, and only helping our society expand to be able to create new ways for technology to excel.
I agree that technology and society are rapidly evolving and the televison industry has been directly impacted by this change. How do you feel about websites like Hulu.com and businesses like Netflix, that now allow you to screen your favorite tv shows directly on your computer or from the internet to your televison? Do you think that these advances are helping or hurting the televsion market? Do you think that the ability to view television shows online will hurt the "ratings" of the major TV conglomarates like CBS or NBC?
ReplyDeleteI do like the fact of the Netflix business because it is easier to access favorite tv shows from home. Although it has a negative effect on other companies such as Blockbuster, it is definitely more convenient. This shows how the internet and television work together and actually compliment each other. I think that the television market is being impacted positively by these advances as my blog explains. I do not think that it will hurt the rating on tv, but will only increase them by allowing more people to access their shows that can be viewed through the internet.